Capital Projects, enhancing PM/CM & Field Data Capture

Driving digital transformation by streamlining field data capture and construction management through automation and innovation.
Advisory and Management company for infrastructure projects in the United States
Discovery & Research Design Thinking Business Case Development


Following a recent acquisition, our goal was to integrate newly joined teams into our ways of working while identifying opportunities to enhance Project Management (PM), Construction Management (CM), and Field Data Capture. The newly acquired organization faced inefficiencies in inspection execution and documentation processes, which were time-consuming and inconsistent.

Our objective was to identify and implement digital solutions to streamline these workflows, leveraging automation and advanced technologies. This initiative also served as a way to introduce our structured methodologies and innovation frameworks to a team that had not previously worked within our Industry X practice.

The Process

Phase 1: Research & Insights

I spearheaded the discovery phase, conducting in-depth research to uncover the most critical areas for improvement. This initiative not only aimed to streamline workflows through automation and digital solutions but also served as a way to introduce our structured methodologies and innovation frameworks to a team that had not previously worked within our Industry X practice.

  • Conducted interviews and surveys with 200+ respondents to pinpoint the most critical areas for automation and enhancement.
  • Engaged a smaller focus group for deeper analysis of pain points.
  • Synthesized key insights, which informed the project strategy and workshop development.
The surveys provided us with focus areas for our workshop, ensuring we could dive deeply into specific parts of the organization that required the most improvement.

Phase 2: Innovation Workshop
I led the design and facilitation of an interactive workshop aimed at driving innovation and aligning the team on strategic priorities. To maximize impact, I worked closely to identify the right SMEs from our Liquid Studio and Industry X team—ensuring we could showcase the art of the possible through cutting-edge technology demonstrations and real-world applications.

  1. Identifying high-value use cases to enhance construction activities.
  2. Brainstorming and selecting two use cases to develop into Minimum Viable Products (MVPs).
  3. Prioritizing opportunities based on a structured assessment and analysis framework.

To achieve these objectives, each team engaged in a structured problem-solving approach:

  • Defining a 5-Year Vision: Teams collaboratively outlined a long-term vision for their challenge area, setting a clear direction and defining what success would look like.
  • Process Mapping: Teams mapped out their challenge area from start to finish, detailing key steps, necessary tasks, involved stakeholders, and existing systems. Additionally, they assessed the time and effort required for each step, identifying bottlenecks and inefficiencies.
  • Brainstorming Solutions: Using the process maps as a foundation and vision statements as a guide, teams generated 90+ solution ideas aimed at improving efficiency.
  • Prioritizing the Best Ideas: Teams voted on the most impactful solutions and selected two top ideas to move forward. These solutions were further refined using solution idea canvases to detail feasibility, benefits, and implementation strategies.
  • Pitching & Feedback: Each team presented their solutions to the larger group, receiving constructive feedback to refine and strengthen their ideas.
During the session, we identified pain points in specific processes, which helped us determine the most effective solutions.

The Impact

  • Established a structured digital transformation roadmap tailored to the newly integrated team’s needs.
  • Developed two Minimum Viable Product (MVP) concepts focused on streamlining field data capture and inspection workflows.
  • Created a business case for each MVP, providing a clear justification for investment and ensuring our Engineering team had the necessary insights to begin prototyping.
  • Equipped leadership with actionable insights and a prioritized opportunity list, driving strategic investment in digital innovation.
This picture illustrates our Concept Canvas, which marked the initial stage for defining Business Case and MVP requirements.


I facilitated this workshop in our LA office, which was a proud moment for me—not only because of the impact we created but also because I was able to introduce and apply my methodologies to a West Coast team that typically does not operate this way. It was rewarding to see how these structured frameworks helped them navigate challenges, ideate solutions, and drive meaningful outcomes.

This project was also a unique opportunity to work closely with the new team, a recent business acquisition. By integrating our Industry X practice with their team, we introduced them to our ways of working, fostering collaboration and cultural alignment. It was fulfilling to help bridge the gap between organizations and create a shared foundation for innovation.

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